Wednesday, June 18, 2003
the weather here is soo nice today..i spent most of the afternoon in the backyard carding a feece that i bought about 4 years ago @ the royal winter fair in toronto,ontario....i got it still warm from the sheep..i've lugged it around the country and decided today to start working on it so i can start spinning again..it's so organic, seed heads and all
Monday, June 09, 2003
i'm glad that the weather is finally heating up here in newfoundland ..i've got a fleece that i bought about 3 yrs ago right off the sheep and is locked away in a trunk in my living room..i haven't done much spinning lately but i have spindles and a nice ashford wheel and 2 sets of handcarders and i have vowed that i'm going to start spinning again..my friend's dad has a sheep farm and i can probally score some fleece from him but i want to make sure that i still like to do it ... i have a 2 bedroom apartment but it's kinda chocked full of stuff so i want the weather to be nice so i can go in my backyard and comb it out w/out freezing my butt off or it all blowing away
Wednesday, June 04, 2003
i'm whipping along on the sweater from EZ's almanac, it's on size 10 needles so it knits up pretty quickly..i'm sure i would have a lot more done if it wasn't for the fact that my work place has now banned knitting @ work ... otherwise, my only other WIP is the afghan made from all the bits&pieces from my stash..i also have to just sew on the button band on my cardi and it will be done..yea!
Saturday, May 31, 2003
i started reading jackie fee sweater workshop a couple of days ago..i think that i'll be knitting the sampler once i get caught up on e/thing else i'm doing..my wip are multi cardi that i just have to sew the button and buttonhole bank on,my remembrance afghan and i'm going to start the last minute sweater from ez's almanac on my next day off , sunday , june 1st..wonder how long it will take?.. i also have a couple of co workers are having babies in the next couple of months and i want to make a in the round blanket for each of them..ack.. now that my work has cut us off from knitting @ work, i don't get to knit as much, those bastards!
Sunday, May 25, 2003
i just started to read knitting w/out tears and i LOVE it!!! i was someone who knitted as a kid and in my teens but didn't really keep knitting that much until moved back to newfoundland in 2000.. then, i quit smoking about 1 1/2 years ago and used it as diversion therapy..so i didn't know who she was until i joined the glbt knitting group and heard people talking about her .. i read the almanac and now w/out tears and i wish i had read her before she passed on so that i could contact her and tell her how great she is..she has put a whole new spin on how i "see" knitting
Thursday, May 22, 2003
i just have to vent..for almost 3 yr i've worked @ the same place , a call centre providing cust care for a "major wireless provider" in the u.s.(even though i'm in newfoundland , canada)..but i digress..anyway, today we get this REALLY snotty memo that we can no longer knit, or cross stitch etc..i am so p*ssed!!! it's supposed to be b/c we are supposed to be more ergonomic @ work... i've been knitting there since about the 2nd week... it's my stress relief @ work... now i am doubly stressed ..arrrggh! sry..i just have to vent!...what should it matter what i do when i'm walking people thru getting their voice mail mesages or taking there payments.. they can't see me, i could be sitting there naked and it would not matter one iota..not only that, several of my recent projects(baby blanket, some scarves and a couple of hats have all been for some of my supervisors @ work) .. can't have effected my job performance that much..
Saturday, May 17, 2003
i'm still plugging away on my afghan but just scored a bunch of merino blend yarn from wal-mart that was on sale..i've been looking at a pattern in the EZ's knitter's almanac ... the yarn is bulky and that pattern calls for bulky wool..i also just cashed in my president's choice points and got $60 @ chapter's bookstore and ordered knitting w/out tears and the sweater workshop ( i actually ordered off their web site as on line both books were on sale but if i ordered them to from the store, they don't honour the on-line sale price!!!)so i'm holding off on starting until i check out the patterns in both of those books .. also i have to make some more of those(in the round) baby blankie's as a couple more of my co-workers are pregnant and i think they make good baby prezzies..
Saturday, May 10, 2003
it's still bloody freezing here in newfoundland..it's rainy and foggy as hell..on my way to work this morning the lake i pass by e/day was flooded almost up to the road & the water in the river under the bridge was running fast & high..i guess all the run off from the snow and the rain itself is taking its toll..on a better note, i finished the baby blanket today in time to wrap it up and bring it to the baby shower i was going to..i didn't get a chance to take a pic of it but i'm planning on making another one for another co worker for next month and i'll be sure to take pics then..i'm gonna finish that damn cardi this weekend and then start in in the top down sweater that i bought all that merino blend yarn for the other day..
Friday, May 09, 2003
today it is poring outside and even though spring is here and summer around the corner, i just bought 13 balls of chunky merino/acrylic @ wal-mart getting all ready for next winter ..all on sale for about a 1/3 off..i'm just finishing up a baby blanket , the pattern is in the round from geekknitting.com site..my other WIP are a cardi that i just have to do the button band on and a remembrance afghan made from all the bits and pieces in my stash..
Sunday, May 04, 2003
this is a link to an on-line knitting group that i belong to.. the gblt knitters list is an e-mail discussion list for gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual, and g/l/b/t friendly people who like to hand or machine knit and who are looking for a forum where they can discuss knitting, g/l/b/t issues and relationships.. it's not a general access group but you have to become a member..it's a great group as we have people @ all levels of expertise and if you have questions, someone will have the answer
glbt knitters
glbt knitters
Saturday, May 03, 2003
today i am sooo tired! the weather is so crappy..cool and rainy ..i'm still working on my cardi..i have about 3/4 of a sleeve and the button band to do and then yeah-i'll be done..i get the feeling though that my g/f is going to nick it .. she seems to be very interested in when it will be finished..i guess that i'll have to make myself another sweater but who knows how long that will take..i can crank out a million dishclothes, scarves, mitts etc but i get so intimitated by THE SWEATER..i think my next sweater will be a top down but right now when i finish the cardi i'll be working on finishing my(now named) remembrance afghan, a baby blankie for a co-worker and following EZ's advice and working on mittens in spring/summer so when winter rolls around, i'll be ready..
Monday, April 28, 2003
i wanted to add a link or two to some of my favourite knitting sites.. this one, knitty.com is one of my favs.. i like the fact that they have practical and fun designs.. i also like the girl from auntie for it's whimsey and its patterns..i'm still working away on my multi yarn blanket..i've got about a foot of it done so far b/c i schlep it back and forth to work..i'm glad that i work somewhere where i can do my knitting..in fact there's alot of people doing crafts @work..knitting, crochet and cross stitch mainly.. i work in a large call centre and every now and then you here that distintive twang of some dropping their needle..i'm also determined to finish my raglan cardighan that i knit 3/4 of last year and haven't touched since..i just have 1 & 1/2 of the sleeves and the button band to finish..i'm hoping to finish it by this weekend as the weather here is finally getting a little nicer and i would like to have it to wear to work...
Girl from Auntie
Girl from Auntie
Wednesday, April 23, 2003
i tried to set up an album on yahoo and discovered after spending a couple of hours that only other yahoo people could view it..so on the advice of one of the other members on the glbt knit group i set up this one on web shots.. i'm still working on my big blanket made out of all my scraps but am taking a small break and am now working on my bead loom and making some collars for my cats made w/ elastic warp so that if it gets caught on anything it will stretch..i'll post some pics when it is done .. today just 3 days since my last post and now there are a hundred crocus blooming not just one ..wahoo spring is here-it's so exciting..
Sunday, April 20, 2003
today is the 1st day that i feel like spring is finally here in newfoundland.. the 1st crocus has bloomed and the sun is out in full force.. still chilly here though..just came back from a family dinner and i'm always amazed that they were all asking why my g/f was not there( she had to work).. i don't remember my family being that tolerant of queers when i was growing up but they do make sure that they always ask about her and include her in every invitation to family events, weddings, holidays, christenings .. it's so cool of them
Thursday, April 10, 2003
today i went thru my ( yarn ) stash and created a huge ball of bits and pieces that i'm going to make a odds & ends afghan w/..it has left over bits from a blanket i made for my girlfriend's mom, left over xmas wool from the xmas ornaments i made for all my friends, some eros yarn from a scarf i made for my mom etc..it's kinda like making a blanket of memories..if i figure out how to do it, i'll put up some pics as i work on it..maybe the weather will inspire me to work on it quickly as it's still freezing cold here in newfoundland and i can't wait for spring!!!!!
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