I'm really into design sites right now. I love this site, From Scandinavia With Love and DwellingGawker. I want/need to change up our bedroom and am getting all kinds of inspiration from these 2 sites. Dwelling Gawker is like the most incredible mix of ideas from all over the world. It is design PORN. Very nice to look @ but most things shown are unrealistic for my apartment. I love From Scandinavia With Love bc it is more realistic. Some rooms are just styled rooms but others are actual homes. I get inspired by both.
I think that next weekend when I am off I'm going to do a little purging. Baby steps. I did get rid of some things already but I have a definite sock addiction :) I need to get down to half in the amount of clothes and accessories I have.
On the last but not least Yule present of a sweater for my GF I have the front and back done. Have to ball up some more yarn tonight after work. Then it will be the sleeves which should not take too long. I'm hoping it will be done by Friday. WOOT. Hope she likes it!